discover yourself in others

6 week group exploration

The more we are ourselves, the more we find ourselves

Whatever you’re into, let it be known and you’ll attract those who hold the most relevant lessons for you, and who you’ll connect with most deeply. They themselves and the situations they create, can often reveal a step further in where you’re meant to go and who you’re best suited to become.

When we show ourselves honestly, we invite those around us to reciprocate. This creates a peer group from which to learn ways of being that will always be better suited to us than those learnt from observing sources that don’t know us.

Embody what they teach you and you’ll surround yourself with an ever more relevant crowd. Continue to do so and you might manifest your ideal life by creating an environment that caters for and calls in the most personally meaningful situations, the work you can be passionate about and the deep human connections that support the growth of who you truly are.

As a group, explore what being a human alive today is really like, by answering a set of questions around who we really are and what we truly want. You may opt to answer in privacy by journaling or speak out loud for the benefit of the group. Participants can add to or challenge anyone’s perspective, but never in the shape of suggesting someone is wrong, and rather by speaking to what would better suit them.